Saturday, June 6, 2015

Joining a Book Club

Hey, guys! Just wanted to post an update that could be beneficial to some people if they're interested in joining a book club.

If you didn't know already, Tumblr has a large book community (which they call booklr), and they host lots of readings and clubs. The one that attracted my interest is Summer Reading Book Club. It's hosted by four people, and they each pick a book to read for an allotted time. You can read just one of the books from their picks or maybe all four--it's up to you! They're currently reading The Girl on the Train, Obsidian, Snow Like Ashes, and Gone. I'm a bit late to join the party since this set is done June 14th, but I think I'll use it as a way to finally get my hands on Snow Like Ashes. Since I'm already behind, and I've already read Gone a couple years ago, I'm going to just stick to reading that one.

So, to anyone looking for something to inspire them to start reading, here's an idea! They have voting open right now for what books will be in the next set, so you can always vote now and wait for what's next.

Check it out if you have time and/or are interested! Hopefully I'll have a review for Snow Like Ashes out in the next week.


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